Panama 101
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101 Things You'll Wish Someone Had Told You About Panama

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Panama 101— 101 Things You'll Wish Someone Had Told You About Panama
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Live And Invest Overseas And Its Editors Have Been Featured In:

101 Things You’ll Wish Someone Had Told You About Panama

This report is a must-have for every (would-be) Panama expat and is the perfect guide to save you embarrassment, hassle, delay, and headaches… not to mention a whole lot of cash.

In these pages you’ll learn:

Vital lessons, including the absolute maximum you should ever pay for a taxi ride across Panama City...
What not to wear if you want to be taken seriously by your new compatriots...
Where to go to shop for books in English...
A guide to Panama's tropical seasons, national festivals, and unique holidays...
And a lot more...

Whether you’re looking to retire overseas, to enjoy a second home in the sun, or to position yourself in the world’s hottest real estate investment market, Panama is the #1 choice.

This just-published special report, Panama 101—101 Things You’ll Wish Someone Had Told You About Panama, arms you with everything you need to know to live, retire, and invest with success in this country.

See for yourself, subscribe to In Focus: Panama (free), and you’ll gain access immediately…

Panama 101— 101 Things You'll Wish Someone Had Told You About Panama

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What Makes Panama So Special?

Panama is a little country in a very fortunate geographic position working hard to make sure the economic prosperity it has enjoyed the past dozen years continues into the next.

First World health care at costs 1/3 of those in the United States. Tax-saving incentives for foreigners and entrepreneurs. A steadily growing economy…

Both turquoise Caribbean and crashing Pacific coasts, separated by only a few hours via a new toll road. Plus lush and cool mountains, with quaint villages and easily accessed hiking trails, where monkeys and toucans are common sights.

Plus, Panama’s recent implementation of a permanent residency visa (one that includes a work permit to North Americans and Europeans, among others) is one of the easiest in the world to obtain.

There’s every reason to believe the good times will continue to roll down here at the Hub of the Americas.

The world’s top retirement, investment, and offshore haven? That’d be Panama.

Panama 101— 101 Things You'll Wish Someone Had Told You About Panama

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Here’s What Live And Invest Overseas Readers Have To Say:

Panama 101— 101 Things You'll Wish Someone Had Told You About Panama

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Welcome To Live And Invest Overseas!

Live and Invest Overseas was founded by Kathleen Peddicord, who has been covering the international living and investing beat for over 30 years. Kathleen has more experience researching and reporting on top opportunities for living well, investing for profit, doing business, and owning real estate around the world than anyone else you’ll find, and is the recognized live, invest, and retire overseas expert.

Kathleen has traveled to more than 70 countries, established businesses in 7, and invested in property in 23. Thanks to these adventures abroad, Kathleen has been able to assemble an unparalleled network of global contacts, colleagues, friends, experts, resources, expats, and advisors. This team, with many decades of combined experience, is on the move continuously in search of opportunity.

Their insider, from-the-scene reports, dispatches, tips, recommendations, discoveries, and insights are delivered to In Focus: Panama readers every other week.

Sign up today, and you’ll also get immediate access to the special report, Panama 101—101 Things You’ll Wish Someone Had Told You About Panama. The report is available FREE and for immediate download.

Simply sign up for In Focus: Panama today!

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